Date & Time slot reservation only


Reserve a date and time slot for Collection or Delivery when you are unable to confirm numbers and or choices. Deposit will be deducted from final bill if appropriate. Available Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 hrs. For different days or times call 01793 849481. We will contact you nearer to the date to finalize your order.

Select collection or deliverey
Select a date
Time of collection or delivery
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We offer:
We offer payment cards
Delivery date restrictions Saturday 2 December; last delivery 4 PM
Collection date restrictions Saturday 2 December; last collection 6 PM

Important ! Date and Time slot reservations cannot be changed or cancelled as we will decline orders from other customers. Payments made will be accepted as cancellation charges if amended or cancelled.
We strongly suggest to order the minimum requirement only. You can always add by calling 01793 849481.


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